Join the Free Webinar with Aidda Pustilnik!

Tema:  “A Grande Transição do Desenvolvimento Humano.” PW 75

Data: 16 de novembro de 2024

Please check the time in your country, as some locations are experiencing changes due to daylight saving time. Reference time: 10 AM EDT (New York).

Verifique o horário no seu país, pois algumas localidades estão passando por mudanças devido ao horário de verão e inverno. Horário de referência: 10 AM EDT (Nova York).

  •  10 AM Eastern Time
    • 11 AM Brasília
    • 11 AM Argentina & Uruguay
    • 8 AM Mexico
    • 16 PM Europe

Bio:  Aidda Pustilnik, uma psicóloga brasileira, desempenhou um papel fundamental na introdução dos ensinamentos do Pathwork no Brasil. Ela é formada pela Pathwork Foundation e criadora do DEP – Dynamic Energetics of the Psyche, uma abordagem transformadora que integra os princípios do Pathwork com a prática psicológica. As contribuições de Aidda tiveram um impacto duradouro no desenvolvimento e disseminação do Pathwork no Brasil.

Why participate?

In this enlightening session, Aidda will explore a crucial moment of consciousness expansion, as proposed by the Pathwork Guide.
The lecture will emphasize the importance of the purification work we do on this Path and how, after this transition, human consciousness begins to perceive the world in a profoundly different way.

While the presentation is simple and accessible, the transformation process is intense.
Aidda will begin with a theoretical introduction to the theme, followed by a reflection on our own resistances and fears that arise during this process.
We invite everyone to this meaningful and transformative gathering.

Register for free and secure your spot!

Learn more about the International Pathwork Conference!

After registering, we invite you to explore our website and discover more about what we’re preparing for the International Pathwork Conference. There’s so much more to learn and be inspired by!

Stay tuned!

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