Marianne Hubert

Webinar Title: Connection Between the Incarnatory Processes and the Life Task – Lecture 216 / Are we the divine essence which transforms or the separate elements of consciousness which need transforming?
Date: March 8, 2025
Time: 10AM ET (Eastern Time)
Bio: Marianne Hubert was trained in Jungian psychoanalysis and transpersonal psychology. During childhood, she had several near-death experiences and spent much of her life trying to recapture the magnificence of those experiences by exploring many schools of spirituality and psychology, unfortunately to no avail. When she discovered the Pathwork lectures in 1990, she was relieved and grateful to have finally found what she had been searching for. Since 2002, she has been channeling an entity that enhances the original lectures with a refreshing contemporary and practical approach. Marianne leads Pathwork Belgium and teaches in French and English in Belgium, France, and Brazil.

About the Presentation:

We are spiritual beings living a human experience! Each incarnation has profound meaning for we have chosen a fascinating life task : integrating parts of us that are still separate from the divine essence of who we are, and bringing our unique contribution to make this world a better place.

Though we have forgotten about this decision, the negative events in our lives and our emotional reactions to them thankfully offer a clear reminder of what we need to work on at any given moment.

Living in truth accelerates the integration process and allows us to increasingly identify with the divine essence which transforms instead of with the elements that need transforming.

Death and difficulties are then perceived as stepping stones to a life of glorious and unending self-realization and eternal life, in or outside of a physical body.

After the lecture, Marianne leads us in a guided meditation to evaluate where we stand with our life task so far and how we can accelerate the process.

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