Reconciling Opposites Pt1

Reconciling Opposites Panel- Pre Conference Recording Part 1.

Available Languages
  • English
Sage Walker

Senior Pathwork Helper, Toronto - Canada. Sagewalker has been a therapist/counsellor and educator since 1970. Trained initially as a Social Worker and Bioenergetics Psychotherapist, she found the Pathwork (or did it find her?) and became a helper in 1983. Since that time as a leader and educator, she has brought the Guide’s teachings to Helpership training, feminine spirituality, the spiritual significance of human relationship and sexuality, and the concept of Evil and its transcendence, along with her ongoing private practice with individuals and couples. Sage lives relationship as a spiritual path as a spouse, mother, stepmother, aunt and grandmother and lover of the natural world."

Conference Tutorial

The video below will guide you through the conference platform