Sage Walker

Sage Walker

Senior Pathwork Helper, Toronto - Canada.

Sagewalker has been a therapist/counsellor and educator since 1970.
Trained initially as a Social Worker and Bioenergetics Psychotherapist, she found the Pathwork (or did it find her?) and became a helper in 1983. Since that time as a leader and educator, she has brought the Guide’s teachings to Helpership training, feminine spirituality, the spiritual significance of human relationship and sexuality, and the concept of Evil and its transcendence, along with her ongoing private practice with individuals and couples.
Sage lives relationship as a spiritual path as a spouse, mother, stepmother, aunt and grandmother and lover of the natural world."

9:35 am - 12:05 pm
Ottawa, CA

Reconciling Opposite with Ourselves and In the World around us

Sagewalker | Live transmission
This Opening Presentation will introduce us to the theme of this conference.
The Opposite of Love is Hate. The Guide calls us to face our Opposites. They dwell in the hidden crevices of our heart, out of sight, hidden in our unconscious. To be able to live the love that resides in every pore of our being, we need to face that which opposes this truth. These Opposing forces, when reconciled bring about a state of Union. “What we meet” and “the way” we meet Opposites on the outer, is a direct mirror as to how we meet them on the inner level. In a state of Union we learn, our Enemy is actually our Friend.
Without this deeper Work of the Path few have chosen, we remain conflicted and divided inwardly and outwardly. This Work is a profound Reckoning with our Masks, and with our real level of Self-Responsibility.
In the workshop following this presentation, we will each have an opportunity to enter this Personal and Collective Reckoning. With Compassion and Mercy, we will open to the astonishing realization of our devotion to the Mind, and open to the heart we have forsaken. We will see how their reconciliation as opposites, leads us to embodying Unity….Heaven on Earth.

Conference Tutorial

The video below will guide you through the conference platform